Mining software: new category in the database

Geotechpedia today proudly presents the new category for mining software. Mining is a highly profitable industry worldwide. For this reason several companies have developed mining related software i.e. mine stability design, 3D visualization of mines, cost estimation, underground mining, surface mining etc. Geotechpedia team has worked in order to create a user friendly mining software … Continue reading Mining software: new category in the database

Geotechpedia reached over 3000 free publication links on geotechnical engineering!

Our database is a continually growing database of assorted geotechnical engineering information. Everyone interested in geotechnical engineering i.e. students, professionals, academics, can browse in geotechpedia’s free publications. Taking into account the demands of geotechnical engineering, updating information is the crucial goal for us. We are proving this by continually increasing the number of free publication … Continue reading Geotechpedia reached over 3000 free publication links on geotechnical engineering!

Are fast track projects related to poor engineering?

Today I was reading on the digital wire of about the costly mistake of the highway 520 Bridge Pontoons. Cracks start to appear and the long term durability is questioned. The article states that “the state chose to design the pontoons itself on a fast track (rather than delegate that responsibility to contractors) as … Continue reading Are fast track projects related to poor engineering?

Landslide triggering

Unstable soil, rock or combination of both materials, manifests in a land sliding mass when the driving forces are higher than the resisting forces. In essence a landslide forms when the shear strength providing the resisting force becomes smaller than the driving force which may be a combination of weight, external load etc. The usual … Continue reading Landslide triggering

Future Landslides

If we look at landslides from the earth’s perspective we can define them as a condition towards stress relaxation and minimization of potential energy. The earth is trying to come to equilibrium.  Landslides are formed either from natural conditions such as erosion of slope toe, geological uplifting etc or are manmade when extensive excavation or loading … Continue reading Future Landslides

Huge colliery landslide Hatfield Stainforth, UK

People interested in geotechnical engineering are watching closely the colliery landslide at Hatfield Stainforth, in Northern England that is still in progress. Since February 13nth reports and photos on the landslide’s progress are coming in. Thanks to Prof. Dave Petley’s (Durham University UK) landslide blog, the info and the photographs are really spectacular. According to … Continue reading Huge colliery landslide Hatfield Stainforth, UK

Etna’s spectacular volcano eruption 19 Feb 2013

Another eruption of Etna volcano started on Tuesday Feb 19, 2013 from the SE crater. Volcano eruption of Etna happened with 4 paroxysms so far, with lava fountains, lava flows and tall ash plumes. Source: Mount Etna is an active volcano on the island of Sicily. The volcanic activity of the area is a … Continue reading Etna’s spectacular volcano eruption 19 Feb 2013


Super-volcano eruption is forming under the Pacific

According to scientists from University of Utah, a “super-volcano” is forming deep below the Earth’s crust at the area north of New Zealand. This kind of volcano eruption can destroy life as we know it. However this event is not likely to happen for another 100-200 million years according to the scientists that studied this phenomenon. … Continue reading Super-volcano eruption is forming under the Pacific

Collapsed Tunnel in Central Japan Fully Reopens

An expressway tunnel in central Japan whose ceiling collapsed in December, killing nine, became fully operational Friday after a 68-day hiatus, its operator Central Nippon Expressway Co. said. The nearly 5-kilometer-long Sasago Tunnel in Yamanashi Prefecture became fully usable again ahead of the previously targeted reopening date later this month as restoration work was hastened … Continue reading Collapsed Tunnel in Central Japan Fully Reopens