Geotechpedia Online Survey Questionnaire Results

Picture1  “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”                    

                                                                                                                                          Ernest Hemingway

First of all we would like to thank you all for participating in our online survey (16 June – 17 July 2016) regarding Geotechpedia’s future. As we truly value your opinion we made the first step forward for more interaction between us.

Survey Results

We managed to spread the news about Geotechpedia (34% of responses were from people visiting Geotechpedia for the first time) and at the same time we validated the fact that the majority of our users visit us on a need basis. This is logical since Geotechpedia is not a social website but a technical one and, frankly speaking, this is how we want to keep it! We are here to assist you with your queries when it comes down to geotechnical and mining engineering.

1 How oftenFurther to that, the survey results proved that publications, software and latest news sections are the most popular ones. Knowledge dissemination is our core value and we will keep striving our forces to provide you with the latest achievements in our industry.

2 Parts of Geotech

In terms of our site content we are happy to see that, as it stands at the moment, is covering most of the information our users are looking for (3.5/5) and considered to be of the highest quality (3.7/5) compared to other sites of similar content (3.7/5). However, that doesn’t mean that we are going to sit back and relax. We will keep on trying to provide you with the most recent and useful information in the industry.



4 Information coverage 5 site content quality

6 other sitesYour overall rating for Geotechpedia (7/10) and the fact that you would be more than keen on recommending our website to a friend or colleague (3.9/5) shows that you do trust us and the results are encouraging us to keep on with the good work we believe we do.

7 overall rating 8 recommendation

Survey Demographics

Demo 1-age Demo 2 - gender Demo 3-Country




















Demo 4-Level of Education






Demo 5-Employment status







Participants feedback

Finally, almost half of the participants (45%) reverted back to us with some really interesting and helpful comments.

The main request refers to more technical discussion. We have to admit that during the last few months our blog wasn’t as active as we would like it to be. For that reason, we have decided to inaugurate a new feature called “Geosysta short courses”. The new feature has been already released and its main purpose is to provide you with more technical information on engineering issues (case studies will be also included) and improve the technical connection between our users and ourselves.

Further to that and based on your comments, we will try to improve the appearance of our website (our web designers have already started their brainstorming!).

Another interesting remark was regarding the absence of a monthly newsletter which will inform you for the latest additions in our website. We are happy to say that having predicted that we just recently released our monthly newsletter (

Finally, we received several requests for creating a geotechnical/mining conferences, symposiums, webinars agenda. We have to admit that this kind of information would be really useful and we will try updating Geotechpedia accordingly the soonest possible.

Thank you all once more and please do not hesitate to contact us directly at

The Geotechpedia Team

About Thanasis Leventakis

Thanasis is a Geotechnical / Civil Engineer with 7 years experience in the Civil and Geotechnical Design and Engineering on major Infrastructure and Building Projects in the Middle East and Greece. Prior to relocating to the Middle East, Thanasis was based in Greece fulfilling diversified roles of detailed Civil and Geotechnical Design and Consultancy on various Infrastructure Projects. Between 2011 and 2016, Thanasis relocated to the Arabic Peninsula and was responsible for providing complete Civil and Geotechnical Design, Engineering and Supervision of site Construction works on major projects. His dual role in the design and construction stages of various projects has widened his pragmatic approach to detailing and cost control of multidisciplinary projects whilst building strong relationships with clients and colleagues through commitment in his work. Since 2016 Thanasis is working as Geotechnical Engineer and Business Development Coordinator for Geosysta Ltd.