Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is power, these words have a profound meaning but in our days where vast amount of information is available we may want to reevaluate them. Is the vast information providing knowledge or distorts it?
In our days every question one has, he just needs to type it to a search engine and in milliseconds he will find one or multiple answers. Are any of these answers correct? Is the one asking the question qualified to evaluate the answers? Will he use any answer and then find out that he has mistakenly approached a subject? Think before you use is a good advice!
This is a very difficult subject for discussion, even philosophical one can say, but the issue is that we need to pay attention to the way information is used and evolved into knowledge. We think that information should be vastly available and easily comparable in order to produce appropriate conditions for knowledge. We want to produce such a platform where geotechnical information will be provided but at the same time it could be critically evaluated from the users and in the end rated for the benefit of knowledge.
We will try hard for that…